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2024 Continuing Education Requirements for IARS
As you may know, the state of Florida has approved an annual continuing education (CE) requirement for all investment advisory representatives (IARs) who are registered in the state.* This rule was the creation of the North American Securities Administrators Associations (NASAA) in 2022, and since then this model rule has been adopted by 19 states (including Washington D.C. and the U.S. Virgin Islands), and Florida, which adopted this rule effective in 2024. As a result, Florida registered IARs will need to complete the following courses by December 31, 2024:
- At least 6 hourly credits of Products and Practices, and
- At least 6 hourly credits of Ethics and Professional Responsibility
An IAR who is also registered as an agent of a FINRA member firm and complies with FINRA’s CE requirement, may be considered in compliance with the Products and Practices component. Note that if the IAR’s home state requires compliance with the model rule, the IAR will not need to also complete the model rules in the other registered states that have adopted the CE requirements.
NASAA has approved the following vendors that offer courses in each component and once completed, will notify FINRA for you. The link of the approved vendors are as follows:
You want to be sure that the vendor that you use has a variety of courses, so that the exercise will be meaningful to you and your advisers.
If you have any questions regarding these requirements, please contact Reymann Law Group at (813) 497-1400.
*Investment Advisory Representatives must conclude 12 credit hours by December 31, 2024 if they are registered in MS, VT, MD, MI, WI, KY, OK, DC, SC, AR, OR, CO, TN, NV, FL, ND, HI, VI (2025) and RI (pending). The above states from MS to OR have already adopted the IAR CE requirements before 2024.